Roshan Ramkeesoon


Roshan Ramkeesoon


Heritage: Trinidad and Tobago

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Roshan Ramkeesoon graduated from Columbia University with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering magna cum laude in Spring 2015. He has combined his interest in data science and economic modeling in his current position at Locus Analytics where he is working on building tools to structure, organize, and analyze economic information using systems economics theory. Applications of the data analytics range from investment portfolio analysis to economic community mapping. 

Roshan is passionate about clean technology and the environment. He has traveled to Ghana with Engineers Without Borders to design and monitor a water distribution system. He has researched novel polymer materials at Columbia University, designed plastic materials to create more durable solar panels during his internship at the Dow Chemical Company and worked with Orora Global, a social enterprise that provides microfunding for solar panels in developing countries, as a Cleantech Open intern.