Mandela Patrick


Mandela Patrick


Heritage: Trinidad and Tobago

Student Leader

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Born and raised in San Fernando, Trinidad and Tobago, Mandela Patrick is a rising junior at Harvard University studying computer science. He currently is a starting member of the Harvard Varsity Squash team, and was voted by his coaches and teammates to be the Most Improved Player during the 2015-2016 College Squash season. Before representing Harvard in squash, he represented Trinidad at the junior and senior level for the last 10 years. He served as the captain for the national junior squash team for two years and was the Caribbean Junior squash champion in 2009. 

Academically, his passion has always been computers and technology. He studied Information Technology and Mathematics in high school at Naparima College, and upon graduating, he was adjudged by CXC to be the Most Outstanding Student in Mathematics and Information Technology in CAPE 2014. On entering Harvard, he continued to pursue his passion for computer science and technology and fell deeper in love with computer science after taking Harvard's introduction to computer science class, CS50. After freshman year, he was one of 75 students selected to intern at Facebook in their freshman engineering program where he worked in a team of 3 to help build an iOS app to find popular events near to one's current location. This summer he is a technology analyst at Goldman Sachs, building complex tools for their asset management division. He is also involved in the hacking, startup and entrepreneurship clubs and community at Harvard and he is hoping to use the skills and expertise he will learn at his time at Harvard and at these internships to make an impact with technology in Trinidad and the wider Caribbean. 

Other than academia and squash, he also really loves Trinidad culture and music. Because his dad was a calypsonian, he grew up singing in multiple calypso competitions in high school. He came 3rd in the South Junior Calypso Monarch in 2012 and was a National Junior Calypso Finalist also in that year. As a result of this intense passion for Caribbean culture, he was really interested in bringing Caribbean culture to Harvard. On entering Harvard, he re-founded the Harvard Caribbean Club and now serves as the current President.